Patience Please.

Patience is one of the greatest acts of Love.
I do believe, its true.
Naturally it was my son who taught me.
The true experience of patience.
The true experience of love;
what it means to give and to receive.

Underneath it all it means giving “yourself” up;
Releasing your need to know, control, change, or fix;
in order to take a passive approach.

Most importantly, its about Trusting.
Trust becomes the act of love, right along side patience.
Its as if they were born to become wings
to lift the mind up into Love.

Releasing is of course only one side of the coin. We must be seek to know, control, change, or fix “things” in a relative way. This helps bring rise to form. Case in point that form is only half of the equation.

This was touched on in the documentary I watched last night: Quantum Activist- from a local or nonlocal viewpoint of consciousness. Our local consciousness, or activity of the mind asks for what we need. It is our non-local consciousness, which could be termed God, Flow, Creator, Greater-Intelligence, or Source, whatever you want to call it then organizes the details and gives back to you. Becoming evident in the serendipitous events becoming the stepping stones throughout life’s course in manifesting.

The film was great for many reasons, but another that I will leave you with is a simple song:
do. be. do. be. doooo. Sing it with me… ~ ~ *”

[note to self #123]
do. patience.
be. patience.
do. trust.
be. trust.
do. love.
be. love.

do. (act.)
be. (receive.)

just do. be. and then see…
no need to bother oneself with any more equations.

…its definitely easier said than done.
Yet the magic of life is delightful.


* * *

In an intial proofreading I noticed a phrase in the second sentence of this post.
I *do be*lieve its true.
I love how the Universe is playing fun lil’ tricks all the time.
Isn’t it beautiful!


Happens when we let go.

Little inconveniences in life, that usually mean a change in our “plan,” can turn into deep, wondrous, amazing things when we give up, jump in, and let go!

Fortunately these things don’t always mean a major life event, making us feel like we’ve hit our breaking point and forcing us to give-in. They can be as insignificant as misplacing our keys.

Every day is magic.

When life hands you a new idea, do you stop to look, listen and wonder what waits in store?

Burning Man has taught me a few things about liberation and freedom. One thing in particular is that nothing ever works out the way that you think it will or should. However, if you trust that whatever you want or wish for will surface, you can enjoy the experience and marvel at the seemingly magical and spontaneous gift from the Universe… that *you* in fact created.

Every day is magic.
…Do you see it?

Jai. Trust!