Fish – Leza Lowitz

Matsyasana (Click link for info on the Fish pose in yoga.)

I’ve been wanting to read this poem while teaching, but it hasn’t lined up quite yet. But given recent inspiration by way of my own humility, I recalled its message today. I think it has a nice Christmas feel to it as well. So instead of waiting to “teach” from it, I will share it now.

Boundless gifts of Love, Joy, and Peace to everyone on Earth during these heavenly & magical days.



Open the heart

and the heart opens you~

salt of the creator

eye of the beholder

stretch your arms overhead


the rainfall of pure clarity

and let it

come down.

Surrender to the boundless

earth, sea, and sky

place them like a garland

around the altar of life,


a prayer for peace

at its base,


in its mysteries,

unafraid of sinking.

Open the heart

and the heart opens you.


Yoga Poems. Lines to Unfold By.
Leza Lowitz

“the breath inside the breath.”

“God is the breath inside of the breath.” This symbolizes the importance of having sthira and sukha in our breath and lives. Strength and firmness alongside grace and ease. When the breath is steady and easy, we are probably doing pretty well at aligning ourselves with spirt and finding union (yoga.)

Photo used under CC.

During this special time of year as we enter into winter’s darkness and light continues to slip away until the solstice, we can easily stoke our fires with community, and even better by community in action together. Of course, another name for that would be yoga! Or life in union & action. [disclaimer: of course a yogi would note that action can also be inaction.] ; )

I was re-inspried by the word commUnity lately. By the acts of my friends, family and our collective works to occupying the world from the place of our hearts. COMMerce + UNITY = COMMUNITY! Together alone is the way to becoming 100% occupied. In unity we create so much more, by showing up and giving something we have. I am amazed by the generosity of friends this holiday season as they have been donating much needed items to me and Bubs to keep us warm and happy this winter. Thank you friends that have been doing that for me. I love you all infinitelyyyyyyy!

I’ve received many blessings in the past week that I wouldn’t have imagined months ago and my heart has been breaking open with gratitude! In the darkness that I am finding myself in this season, a sweet pure energy flows up and through from an abundant source and it inspires me to share that flame with you.

For starters I’d like to join in breath and then slowly explore space with our bodies to d a n c e in y/our breath and bones with me and our good friends, sthira & sukha in yoga asana practice… or on the dance floor. I plan on visiting them both as much as possible this winter.

I have been enjoying some new yogic inspiration that is begging me to play a little in my practice. I’ve been plotting and playing in asana for my yoga classes. Which just so happens to bring about a lot of dancing around with Bubs in our living room too. : ) They’re super good times!

Come join if you can and if not, I will see your shine there instead. Namaste~*!

Yoga: Next Monday only at 10 am at Sage Yoga & Wellness & every Wednesday at 9:30 at Body Renew on Vista!
